Not Your Node,
Not Your Rules

What is the RaspiBlitz?
The RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself Lightning Node based on LND running together with a Bitcoin-Fullnode on a RaspberryPi 4 – with a SSD and a nice touchscreen for easy setup & monitoring. This setup is totally unique in the environment of Bitcoin Nodes.
The RaspiBlitz is designed to be a very secure routing node. Therefore it does not use docker or any insecure JavaScript libraries.
RaspiBlitz is mainly targeted for learning how to run your own node decentralized from home – because: Not your Node, Not your Rules. Discover & develop the growing ecosystem of the Lightning Network by becoming a full part of it. The RaspiBlitz is now running in more than 1000 households around the globe. It is the perfect solution to stop the decline of Bitcoin Nodes.
The RaspiBlitz was created by Christian @rootzoll and is powered by FULMO, a Berlin based research startup focused on the Bitcoin Lightning Network.
It is even possible to earn Bitcoin with your RaspiBlitz. For every payment your rout with your Blitz through the network you get some routing fees. That is not much but that was also the case in early Bitcoin mining.
Hardware Features
Raspberry PI4 2/4/8GB RAM
1000 GB SDD
RaspiBlitz Case Metal/Plastic (optional)
1 SD-Card 32GB (SanDisk)
Raspberry Pi Heatsink Case
SSD-Case (optional)
Power Supply USBC
LCD Display
1m Ethernet Cable
Software Features
Software preinstallation:
- Bitcoin-Core (Bitcoin Fullnode)
- LND (Lightning Network Node)
- RTL (GraphicUserInterface to config your Node)
- OpenSource Operating System
- pre-synchronised Bitcoin Blockchain (optional)
Further services installed to switch on:
- TOR (Run as Hidden Service) details
- ElectRS (Electrum Server in Rust) details
- BTCPayServer (Cryptocurrency Payment Processor) details
- BTC-RPC-Explorer (Bitcoin Blockchain Explorer) details
- LNbits (Lightning wallet/accounts System) details
- SpecterDesktop (Multisig Trezor, Ledger, COLDCARDwallet & Specter-DIY) details
- LNDmanage (Advanced Channel Management CLI) details
- Loop (Submarine Swaps Service) details
- JoinMarket (CoinJoin Service) details
- ThunderHub (Lightning Node Manager WebUI) details
- Faraday (Channel Analysis & Recommendations CLI) details
- Balance Of Satoshis (Commands for working with LND balances) details
- Kindle Display (Bitcoin Status Display made with a jailbroken Kindle) details
- Stacking Sats Kraken (Auto-DCA script) details
- Circuit Breaker (Lighthing Channel Firewall) details
- PyBlock (Python Util & Fun Scripts) details
- Mempool Explorer details
- Sphinx Relay Server details
You can connect the following Wallet-Apps to your RaspiBlitz:
- Zap (Android, iOS & Desktop) details
- Zeus (Android & iOS-TestFlight) details
- Shango (Android & iOS-TestFlight) details
- Fully Noded (iOS) details
- SendMany (Android) details
- Sphinx Chat App (Android & iOS) details
- A free Ethernet port on your router/switch
- A free electrical socket
- Windows, Linux or Mac OS
- Access to your local router